Sunday 5 August 2012

Time to reflect

Its the month of Ramadan ..also a time for reflections.

Shahir had also release another single titled "Aku Yang Berdosa"

Here is the lyrics:

Sejauh mana langkah ku di sana
aku melupakan mu

Seluas mana kau beri padaku
masih ku angkuh padamu

segalanya dusta
gelap menggaburi ku

Ya Allah, apa yang bisa
ku tebus kepadamu
atas dosaku..


Lagu ni do not have official VC yet so please enjoy the video below ( unofficial) 

My 15 minutes of fame.

Hi to my readers...i am back. Sorry for not updating latest news about Caer. Anyway , he had release his 4th single after Pendam that is "Cinta Kan Kembali".

This video is very close to Shahir's up dan down in the entertainment industry. And the most epic thing about this movie is him being bald. Very interesting kan? :) I am glad to say that it is one of the best pop VC that i have watched from a local singer. I dont want to talk much ..just enjoy the vid.

PS: And i have the previlege to be part of this :) will tell you in my next post.

Selamat berpuasa everyone!

Sunday 18 December 2011

Awesome performance - Luar Biasa ( At S. Finals AJL26)

Go this link to view: http://youtube/fppmMNx_7sw

Meanwhile enjoy the lovely pic. ( Credit to The pcis are so good kan! :)


Shahir's 3rd single :)

Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta

Kian terbiar

Terpendam kata

Tak terungkap selamanya

Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa

Mahu memilikinya

Aku hanya hamba cinta

Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya

Sungguh aku tak bisa

Biarlah ku sendiri

Tanpa kasih di hati

Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi

Cinta yang menyakiti

Biarlah aku pergi

Tiada hampa di hati

Pedihnya hanya aku yang merasa

Mahu memilikinya

Aku hanya hamba cinta

Bisik hatiku lepaskan dirinya

Sungguh aku tak bisa

Biarlah ku sendiri

Tanpa kasih di hati

Aku tak mampu pertahankan lagi

Cinta yang menyakiti

Biarlah aku pergi

Tiada hampa di hati

Aku yang mengejar bayang cinta

Wednesday 5 October 2011

He is back .....with a vengeance.

Che Amat is back after 4 months of resting his injured hands. ( Oh yeah ..did i tell you that he injured his hand when he falls on his hands at the bathroom at his kampung in Kampar).Anyway his first event is the Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya bersama Astro is the pic with the sweet Adira. As you all can see, he needs to lose a lot of weight! :)

So Shahir..let us jog together ...:) sampai kurus.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Happy Raya ..walaupun Sunyi Sepi

Assalamualaikum semua,

I am back.: ) Anyway since for now there is no Caer related activity during Ramadan..however to all Shahir AF8 fans like not forget to watch at ASTRO RIA..Istimewa Bersama ROSSA which feature che amat as one of the duet partners. The date of the show will confirm later! :)

Have a good celebration everyone and have a safe raya!

Tuesday 16 August 2011

The First Time

I still remember it as though it was only yesterday. The place is Jaya Jusco Bukit Raja Klang. He is wearing black jacket and white t shirt. :) He looks damn hot! That was the first time i met him. Its not easy you know...we try to get help from the Jusco staff to help us. We actually met him at the staff entrance. The reason we can meet him was with the help of Kak Latifah who's daughter are friends with Shahir before he was in AF. Meeting Shahir AF8 is like a a good way ! :) We felt like we know him before and he is comfortable with us. There is no egoistic airs about him that any reality winner usually have. From that point onward, there is no stopping me to meet him in person whenever there is concert or promo that involve Shahir.